Study advisors

The Study Advisor of your educational programme is often a good first person to approach if you struggle. You can refer to the Study Advisor if you need information about your courses, your study program, or need support with personal challenges that impact your academic journey.

If you have a short/simple question you can send an e-mail, or walk by when the door to the office is open. If you need more time it is easier to plan an appointment. You can make an appointment through the online planner:
An appointment usually takes about half an hour. Sometimes it might turn out to be useful to meet more often, in that case, a follow-up appointment is made after the meeting.

At the Bachelor Advanced Technology, the Master Nanotechnology and the Master Robotics we have the following study advisors:

  • Florien Lukkien, study advisor of the bachelor Advanced Technology students and the master nanotechnology students. Located at Carré 3643.
  • Michiel Scholten, study advisor of the bachelor Advanced Technology students. Located at Carré 3013.
  • Karan Raju, study advisor of the bachelor Advanced Technology students. Located at Carré 3023.
  • Erik Bong, study advisor of the Master Robotics students. Located at Silverling.





You can turn to the study advisor with questions about the programme, studying, or personal issues that might affect your academic performance, for example:

  • Did I choose the right programme?
  • Which subjects can/should I do this block?
  • Studying is relatively easy for me. Can I do something extra?
  • I passed my exams easily in secondary school. How is it possible that I am failing my exams at university?
  • I play sports at a high level; which regulations and facilities are available for me?
  • I am dyslectic and have problems studying.
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