Major Events

As association, S.A. Astatine organizes a very large variety of activities, ranging from workshops and excursions to drinks and sports. Although we have multiple different activities every week, there are also a couple of standard activities that we have every year or two years.

Europe Trip (BuCom)

The BuCom is our annual Europe trip, where we go with around 50 students to a different European country for 1 week. During the trip, the group visits several companies or universities, as well as enjoying the local culture. It is the highlight of the year, and a ton of fun! The price of the trip is kept low with the help of research groups and companies which enables many people to join the trip. If you want to know more about our Europe trip, visit their own website here.

Study Trip (SSA)

The SSA (Stichting Studiereis Astatine) is a large trip that takes place once every two years. The trip is about 3 weeks long and we visit a destination outside of Europe. During the trip, we have numerous excursions to companies and universities, but there is always time to enjoy some sightseeing too. To fund this event, the entire group, consisting of 24 students, raises money a year in advance by doing case work for companies and research groups. 

The SSA has their own website, where they explain much more about what they do and how. Visit it here.


The Kick-In is the University wide introduction week for the new first year Advanced Technology students. A big part of this week is organized by the KIC (The Kick-In Committee) for the whole university, but 3 days are organized by the study associations themselves. In Astatine, the KITCAT (Kick-In Task Committee Advanced Technology), takes care of this by organising 3 awesome days in where they will get to know the study and study association. 

Are you an upcoming First year student? Than check out the website of the KITCAT!

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