From September 2015 until September 2016, the 11th board was in charge of S.V.A.T. Astatine, consisting of

From left to right: Jornt Lageveen, Dave Vogel, Alexander Dijkshoorn, Jeroen Minnema, Mark Rijntalder, Matthias Vermeer and Kevin Rouwenhorst
Jeroen Minnema – Chairman
Jeroen will be leading S.V.A.T as Chairman of the 11th board. Last year, he participated in the study trip to Japan and this year he will have the opportunity to use all the skills obtained overseas to ensure the association is running smoothly. Besides being the chairman of our association, Jeroen can often be found on somewhere in Europe, either mountain-biking, skiing, or flying non-motorized aircraft, also known as gliders.
Alexander Dijkshoorn – Secretary & Commissioner of Educational Affairs
Alexander is responsible for both the study related topics and the secretarial work. Having the ugliest handwriting as well as a soft spot for AT makes him the suited person for these jobs. If he is not taking minutes or implementing his love for education, you can find him hiking or practising judo.
Mark Rijntalder – Treasurer
Mark will be responsible for the money of S.V.A.T. Astatine in 2015/2016, which means that he is the treasurer of the 11th board. Since he lived in Hengelo for a large amount of his life, he is already quite familiar with the neighbourhood here. When he is not around the Astatine rooms it is most likely that he is cycling somewhere between Hengelo and Enschede, which for some reason seems to be his favourite activity.
Dave Vogel – Commissioner of External Affairs
Dave will be responsible for the contact with external relations together with Matthias. Last year he was a member of the 21st board of 4 happy feet(dancing association) as commissioner of external relations. Apparently, he is also a big fan of trains since he still takes the train from Almelo each day.
Matthias Vermeer – Commissioner of External Affairs
Matthias is a third-year Advanced Technology student and one of the two commissioners of external affairs of the 11th board of S.V.A.T Astatine this study year. Approximately half the income of the association will therefore be his main function responsibility. For this, he communicates with a lot of interesting companies from which you could visit lunch colloquia and excursions, for example. The most important idea behind contacting companies is of course not the money, but the information about the company life he can give the students this way. As AT student we all find it quite hard to choose a suitable master and letting companies give information about what could do in the future with a certain master certificate is then very useful.
Other responsibilities will include the presence at activities and the random problems that will come up over the year. The most important overall function is, of course, being there for the members and helping them with their problems. As members do always have problems (somehow), this will cost a lot of time too.
Matthias lives on campus with a group of 11 people in total, both men and women, and he always has a great time at home with these people. The dinners and flat activities they have are always a lot of fun too.
In his free time, he gets a beer with friends or I have dinner with his year group from AEGEE. he also danced with his girlfriend at 4happyfeet for the past year. As this is a part-time board he studies next to being a board member but he still wants to make this a great year for Astatine. He is going to follow courses approved by the Electrical Engineering master track “Devices for Integrated Circuits” in order to follow this master program after this year. In the first module after finishing his Bachelor he would really like to travel for about ten weeks, instead of continuing with a master directly. Matthias hopes to learn a lot about personal contact and see all kinds of new things about the world.
Jornt Lageveen- Commissioner of Internal Affairs
Jornt will be the person filling the committees of Astatine with active people, as well as guiding the committee process. As the Commissioner of Internal Affairs, he likes the social interaction, as well as looking into the committee and activity process. Next to this, he is also busy with the promotion around Astatine. Besides his function and his study you likely find him watching movies and doing things that make no sense.
Kevin Rouwenhorst- Commissioner of General Affairs
Kevin Rouwenhorst is the Commissioner of General Affairs. One of his responsibilities is the internationalization of the association, which he literally puts into practice by doing his bachelor thesis abroad. The KaDiCo (room service committee) and the logistics are his responsibilities as well. He makes sure the members stay replenished and healthy by supplying them with the needed coffee and fruit.
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