Confidential Contact Person (CCP)

Being a student can be challenging. You can be faced with uncertainty, worries, struggles or unpleasant interactions. Sharing experiences with someone your age can feel safe and comfortable.

Therefore, we introduce the Confidential Contact Person (CCP) for students. Or to put it simply: we are trained to be peer listeners and will keep everything you share completely confidential.

The CCP supports you if you are struggling with something, no matter how big or small. They can give you advice, play a supporting role in finding a solution to a problem, or just listen to you vent. Sometimes that can already be enough, but when you are dealing with bigger issues, a CCP may not have the resources to personally help you, but we can refer you to a professional or help you seek the support you need and deserve.

If you would like to get in contact with someone who isn’t affiliated with Astatine, or for any other reason, visit for a list of all available UT CCPs.


I’m Wouter van Leeuwen and I’m 22 years old. I’m currently in my third year of Advanced Technology, working towards the master Robotics. In my free time I enjoy cooking, gaming, and playing sports such as Football, Basketball, Table tennis, running, and going to the gym. Next to this, I’m in the symposium committee and the program committee and I’m the Confidential Contact Person (CCP) of Astatine. As a CCP, I’m a person to talk to whenever you need with whatever you need. This can be anything from small disagreements, study stress or unwanted behavior. I’m also open for a nice chat about anything in particular, so please don’t hesitate to text or approach me!


See you around, Wouter



Phone number: +316 37292399


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