We are overjoyed to announce our newest Member of Merit: Laura Rodriguez Comas!!
Last week, during the 51st GA Laura was unanimously voted to become a Member of Merit due to her continued activism and the work she put into Astatine. What Laura has done for the association is near-impossible to put into words, but we will try it anyway:
Laura made sure that every single member of Astatine always felt included, especially international members. She pushed for English to become the primary language of Astatine, and still is the first in a group to yell ‘spiegel’. Laura was a part of the 14th Board and during this year she never shied away from starting up new initiatives and making sure everyone felt at home at Astatine. After her board year, Laura put much effort into the continuity of the association. She joined many committees as an experienced member and joined the RvA to help newer boards out. During COVID-19 Laura’s motivation and enthusiasm was a vital factor in Astatine’s survival during this period.
If you see Laura around give her a big thank you, as without her Astatine would not be as it is today.