Today the academic year has started! The first year students already got to know our wonderful University and Association during the Kick-In.
Happy Summer Break!
The 13th board would like to wish everyone a happy summer break. We want to thank everybody for a fantastic year and would hopefully see you back on the 3rd of September!

The Candidate Board of S.A. Astatine
Yesterday, on the 16th of May, the yearly announcement BBQ for the Candidate Board was held. With the following division:
Rik Seelen – Chairman
Jons Bolding – Secretary
Bram Schotpoort – Treasurer
Laura Rodriguez Comas – Educational Affairs
Laura Berkhof – External Relations
Ralph Brantjes – Internal Affairs

From left to right: Ralph, Laura RC. Jons, Rik, Laura B, Bram
Astatine explores the Baltic States!
On the 5th of May, 45 Advanced Technology students travelled by plane to Riga, Latvia. From here they travelled for 8th days through the Baltic States enjoying the culture, visiting companies, and enjoying a local beer. The companies that were visited were the University of Tallin and Kaunas, and the startup company TenTwelve.
Thank you BuCom for organising this unforgettable trip!